Friday, November 4, 2011

Me Missing Everyone

Just because I am far away from you guys doesn't mean thats I am not always with you guys

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nicolena's Birthday

Taken When I was 9 years old to the left
I was walking out of the car and some reason everyone started hugging me, except my little cousin Alex who was sleeping. I felt a little awkward and thrilled at the same time.I was running so fast through the house as my best cousin of all started chasing me like a bad guy.I was a little scared. Once we got on the trampoline I jumped up really high and fell on my face.  It didn't heart anymore when my cousin and uncle pulled us off and handed us a paintball and we started shooting the wooden deer that Cody got for his 16th birthday. We stopped shooting and we found out there more in the neighbors backyard. So Tashie climbed the fence and throw paint balls at us. it was hilarious, but Tallie didn't laugh. It was time for cake, ice cream and cookies, but I didn't want cake so would just make ice cream sandwiches.
When we finished singing Happy Birthday and Nicolena started blowing the candles Alex started crying and pointing at Nicolena. Then we went to the basement and started playing Just Dance 2 ad I beaded Tashie by two points. Then Alex played Wii Sports resort the Showdown  of The Sword fighting. We pressed a and the game begins and Alex started killing everyone and he is not even two years old. That must be a world record.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Today at recess our teacher did two cartwheels and we started laughing so hard and was amazed at the same time, because we never saw a teacher in history doing cartwheels unless if they are gymnastics teachers. Then we all started doing cartwheels. I was nervous to do a cartwheel, but I still did it and I didn't know I could do one after two years of quiting gymnastics. 


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